Friday, April 20, 2012

Get Wisdom -- Post 4

Proverbs -- Chapter 4

Again God comes to us as His children and urges us to give Him our attention (Cf He 2:1 where "we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard" about Jesus). We see the command repeated in v20. This is reflective of 3:1-3. The reason we should pay attention is given in the next verse (4:2), "for I give you good precepts", so "don't forsake them". In v13 this reality is expanded when we are told that God's instruction "is our life"; and then in v22 where we read that God's words are "life to those who find them and healing to all their flesh".

Beginning with v3 we see a pattern for generational holiness and wisdom. Solomon says that his father David taught him. Solomon now passes down the teaching (v10-11). This teaching is deliberate. It is not enough to give our children right commands. We must give them right instruction, understanding, and explanation (Ep 6:1-4). A part of this teaching is telling our children the stories of God's dealings with us (Dt 6). By the way, it is mothers, and not just fathers, who teach the children (Cf 1:8).

Along this path to holiness and the good life, wisdom and insight are required (v7), along with heart vigilance (v23). So are sound thinking, proper evaluative skills, and diligent planning (v26). Biblical parenting, i.e., parenting that works, is itself hard work. I simply assert here that our children are worth the effort.

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