Wherefore, if we desire to follow God with constancy, it behoves us carefully to meditate on all the inconveniences, all the difficulties, all the dangers which await us; that not only a hasty zeal may produce fading flowers, but that from a deep and well-fixed root of piety, we may bring forth fruit in our whole life.
Page 244
We are not indeed all indiscriminately commanded to desert our country; this point, I grant, is special in the case of Abram; but generally, it is God's will that all should be in subjection to his word, and should seek the law, for the regulation of their life, at his mouth, lest they should be carried away by their own will, or by the maxims of men. Therefore by the example of Abram, entire self-renunciation is enjoined, that we may live and die to God alone.
Page 351
By the way, the entire Calvin Commentary Set (22 volumes covering most of the Scriptures) is now being sold for only $100 at christianbook.com. In some cases, a single volume is worth that. Here's an idea, if you don't want the set, buy it for your pastor. It can only help him, and by use, your church. Or, buy yourself a set and your pastor a set. Go generous.
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