Adoption is a way to worship this God by accepting the fatherless into our families. And it is redemptive. Who but God in Jesus Christ could take two tragically broken situations - a parentless child and, in many cases, a childless couple, and bring from them the beauty and glory of adoption?
Adoption is not an end in itself. It is a means by which we make much of the ways of God, from whom His children have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba Father!" (Ro 8:15)
To any in the adoption process reading this: Adoption is not your life. God is. Having been through the process I realize you can easily come to feel as though all hope for completion and happiness are riding on this process. It is not. God forbid we make an idol of parenthood. Remember, God is out to sanctify us by purging us of our idols so that we may image Him in His world. (2 Co 3:18) No other thing I have ever experienced, with the possible exception of marriage, has been more used by Father to grind to powder my golden calves, mix them with repentance, and pour them down my throat (Ex 32:20). This is a great mercy.
My daughter was an orphan. My cat was a stray. Both remind me daily of God's grace.
Wonderful post Brent! I just added you to my google reader, so I'm expecting a lot. Also saw that you're currently reading "Transforming Grace" by Jerry Bridges . . . one of my favorites! Enjoy!