Sunday, March 4, 2012

"What's Worse?", Asks the Rock Star.

". . . I don't know what's worse: natural disasters or these wolves in sheep's clothes pastors. Now damn it I'm scared to send my children to church. Amen, Amen." -- Kid Rock

Admittedly, not all of the song's lyrics are rooted in truth. And, admittedly, Kid Rock shouldn't send, but take, his children to church gatherings. And, admittedly, Kid Rock is no Christian theologian or even necessarily a Christian. However, he does make a good point in the contemplation cited above. I in no way want to minimize the horrors wrought by natural disasters. But I do want to state that the wolves masquerading as sheep do the most damage to the church of Jesus Christ. This is what Jesus and the Apostles warn us of repeatedly. Because it's the attacks that come from the inside that are so destructive, even beyond this temporal world. I saw it again just this week.

"I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them." -- The Apostle Paul to the Ephesian Pastors, Ac 20:29-30

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.You will recognize them by their fruits. . ." -- Jesus the Lord to His followers, Mt 7:15-16

Hear this: those who do the greatest damage to the body and bride of Christ are very often the ones least expected to do it. They are schemers, working in secret, staying out of the light of public scrutiny and speaking out of both sides of their mouths. And if ever confronted with their wiles they simply look you in the face and lie, and then they lie, and then they lie again. They must work ever harder to cover their deceit because their pride and arrogance won't let them repent. 

We should labor and pray for their humiliation (Ps 35). In the covenant God has made with His people, He promises to take their enemies as His own (Ge 12). I mean to hold Him to that in prayer. Isn't that what prayer is in part -- asking God to do what He says He wants to do (1 Jn 5)?

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